20 Upcoming Movies That Are Going To Suck

2. Penguins Of Madagascar

Why It's Going To Suck: Much Too Much There are some movie characters who are best left cast in secondary roles - think of Boba Fett from Star Wars, for example, or Darth Vader, both of whom lose their inherent mystery factor when you expand their parts and give audiences much too much. Which is essentially what is going to make Penguins of Madagascar - a spin-off from the popular animated franchise - an ultimately jarring filmmaking experience. Because, let's face it, the Penguins are characters who thrive in those little moments where they're suddenly thrown on screen for a one-liner or a little sequence. Great as they are, who wants an entire movie based around their antics? It sounds like a recipe for a headache. The movie has been designed as something of a spy thriller, so fingers crossed we're wrong; unfortunately, it shares a director with that of Bee Movie. Remember Bee Movie? Bloody awful.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.