20 Well-Known Movie "Facts" That Are Actually Bulls**t

3. The Glass Roof On The Explorer Wasn't Supposed To Break - Jurassic Park

The IMDb is often wielded as a source of indisputable movie factoids; folk are keen to take the trivia written on the site as if it were gospel. In fact, so much of it is entirely untrue and remains unchecked for authenticity. Take this little ditty from the Jurassic Park trivia page, for example, which offers up the following "fact":
"When the T-Rex comes through the glass roof of the Ford Explorer in the first attack, the glass was not meant to break, producing the noticeably genuine screams from the children."
There's no reason to doubt this fact, of course - it just isn't true. For some reason, this slice of information has entered the Jurassic Park trivia database and continues to be brandished about by fans as something of an interesting tidbit of the highest order. But of course the glass roof on the Explorer was supposed to break - that was the intention of the shot in question. Otherwise, what would Spielberg have even been shooting at this point? The head of the T-Rex bouncing against the glass! Nope! The shot was (as outlined on the special features of the DVD release), planned out relentlessly and those kid actors knew exactly what was in store for them.
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The Lion King
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.