20 Well-Known Movie "Facts" That Are Actually Bulls**t

13. Hitchcock Insisted The Water Used In The Shower Scene Be Freezing Cold - Psycho

Some movie "facts" worm their way into existence for absolutely no reason. One such example can be tied to Alfred Hitchcock's seminal horror movie Psycho, which featured Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins as a shower-inclined heroine and the man who murdered her. Hitchcock was renowned for the mistreatment he piled upon his actresses, of course, and - according to many sources - Janet Leigh was no exception to the rule. During the famous shower sequence, it was reported that Hitchcock insisted that ice cold water be used in order to really get the best performance from his actress. Good story as it is, it's also entirely untrue in every way - so much so, in fact, that Janet Leigh herself even spoke out to dispel the rumour, insisting that the Hitch and the crew made sure that the water was pumped in at a suitable temperature at all times. "Cold water wasn't even an option," she reaffirmed.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.