20 Well-Known Movie "Facts" That Are Actually Bulls**t

12. Harrison Ford Recorded The Infamous Voiceover Badly On Purpose - Blade Runner

The original version of Blade Runner, with its notoriously awful voiceover (courtesy of the movie's hero, Harrison Ford) and "happy ending," is often renowed as inferior to that of Ridley Scott's Director's and Final Cuts. Said voiceover was removed from all subsequent versions of the movie following the original's release, of course, given that Scott thought it to be an entirely unnecessary embellishment. Ford agreed, though he was forced by the studio as a result of negative test screenings to record one to be used in a recut version of the movie; as a result, a rumour persists to this day that he recorded it badly (read: rigidly) on purpose in hope that, when the time came, it would be scrapped. Though it was well known that Ford hated the voiceover ("I contested it mightily at the time," he said, explaining that it was "not an organic part of the film"), he also admitted in a 2002 interview that - contrary to popular belief - he did not perform it badly on purpose. "I delivered it to the best of my ability, given that I had no input," he said. "I never thought they'd use it. But I didn't try and sandbag it. It was simply bad narration."
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.