20 Worst Films Of 2012

12. Ghost Rider 2: Spirit Of Vengeance

This is the definition of fanboy cinema, a pointless and repulsive superhero movie that fails to tick any creative boxes. It's also plainly obvious that the creators of the film meant for nothing else but a pile of completely shallow and empty trash, featuring a predictably barmy Nicholas Cage who goes past the point of funny into completely un-enjoyable. The story is a paper-thin and underdeveloped excuse for a film that should never have been made, while the visual effects are somehow more abysmal than the first outing. There are absolutely no attempts at intelligent filmmaking or writing present.

11. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln. Vampire. Hunter. Yes, that is an actual film. This was the moment that producers stopped being subtle about thinking moviegoers weren't intelligent, and just decided to make obviously stupid films. As a spoof comedy movie it might have worked , at least minorly, but for some reason the writers and directors go for un-ironic seriousness throughout to leave the viewer perplexed by a outing that proves even less entertaining then it's title suggests.
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A super-villain in a world without heroes. Dedicated writer on all things Liverpool FC, brutally honest about things he dislikes, overly passionate about things he cares about. Lover of Pop Punk music, The Office(US), San Andreas and novelty boxer shorts. Follow him on twitter @matt_volpi