20 Worst Movie Moments Of The Decade

1. Jack And Jill - The Humiliation Of Al Pacino

Movie 43 Hugh Jackman
Columbia Pictures

The other 19 scenes on this list pale in comparison to this number one spot, for this, the decade's worst movie moment, is in a class of its own.

Jack and Jill is widely considered one of the worst films ever and it won every single Razzie award that year, but is it worth the hype? Hell. Yes.

With one of the least funny scripts ever committed to film and Adam Sandler (playing two appallingly obnoxious twins, one of them in drag) giving arguably the worst performance of the decade, Jack and Jill more than earns its infamy.

It's consistently awful, but there's one element which takes this even further into the abyss: Al Pacino is in it. Playing himself. And he falls in love with Jill. Who is Adam Sandler in drag.

The sight of such a brilliant actor falling in love with one of the most disturbingly awful film characters ever created is a horrific spectacle which has to be seen to be believed. It's mean-spirited, about as unfunny as scientifically possible and is about as pleasant as watching A Serbian Film (2010) on a loop.

If the 2020s give us anything worse than this, I'll eat a clapper-board.

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Movie 43
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.