20 Worst Movie Moments Of The Decade

18. Truth Or Dare - Grinning Ghosts

Movie 43 Hugh Jackman

When it comes to PG-13 horror films, we all know what to expect: jump scares, cliches, no gore, no tension and a sequel bait at the end. Truth or Dare, a hideous horror flop from 2018, contained all of those usual elements but it did also stand out in that its main villain was unusually horrendous.

In this one, some luckless students are forced to play a supernatural game of Truth or Dare; whenever the game asks the question, the entity (apparently possessing one of the people around the victim) puts on the stupidest, most Nicolas Cage-esque grin you've ever seen and asks "Truth or Dare?".

This stuff is great for unintentional laughter and could make for a good meme, but Truth or Dare is meant to be a horror film and these grinning ghosts were about as scary as a basket-full of baby kittens.

Despite the current horror revival going on there have still been plenty of godawful horror films with plenty of dreadful creative decisions; nevertheless, this one stands out due to how ridiculously intimidating and misjudged its villain was.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.