20 Worst Movies Of 2021 (So Far)

19. The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard

Chaos Walking Daisy Ridley Tom Holland

Sequels don't get much lazier than The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard, which despite its appealing cast and sensibly offering an expanded role for Salma Hayek's sassy hitman's wife, is shockingly low-effort.

With a script that feels like it was scrawled down over a weekend and a production that was likely heavily reliant on improv, the pleasures are occasional at best.

The gag rate is wildly inconsistent and the action strangely forgettable, yet the cast's obvious charms keep it from being any worse.

Considering the original was one of the most pleasant tentpole surprises of the last few years, this fell far short of the mark, even with the casting additions of Morgan Freeman and Antonio Banderas.

Don't hold your breath waiting for a threequel, then.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.