20 Worst Performances In Superhero Movies

14. Julian McMahon (Doctor Doom) - Fantastic Four

Julian Mcmahon doctor doom
20th Century Fox

Fresh off his success on hit FX show Nip/Tuck, Julian McMahon was cast as Victor Von Doom in Hollywood's first big-budget Fantastic Four movie, and on paper, he seemed like a fine fit for the part.

Devilishly handsome and cutting a great figure in a swish suit, McMahon nevertheless made for a weirdly boring Victor, failing to use his considerable charisma to make the audience truly care about him at all.

Things got worse when he became Doctor Doom, though, speaking with a curiously tepid voice that didn't prove remotely intimidating, and having little of the intense physicality that such an iconic role requires.

It's a shame McMahon didn't go full ham with the part, because his more restrained effort ended up being a total snoozer.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.