2012 Films: 5 Awesome Blockbusters and 5 That Sucked

2. Men In Black 3

MIB3 There are tortured productions and then there€™s Men in Black 3. There was such a gap between this and the original two films that Will Smith has gone from king of the box office to €˜Will who €“ oh Jaden€™s Dad€™, but even worse was the massive halt in filming. The writers had crafted a time travel story, but couldn't think of a logical ending, so just stopped filming while they figured it out. The film employs typical dumb time travel, with no internal logic and a misguided view that vague cultural references are enough to justify the new era. It spends so long attempting to be clever, but on the odd occasion it uses the plot device, it is breaking its own set rules. There€™s no clue what the film makers are getting at and you just wished for a smaller, tied together plot. Any fan of the original (or even its poorer sequel) was left disappointed; gone was the humour, replaced by sappy sentimentality and overblown action sequences. And then there was the final €˜twist€™, where it is revealed the one black man who the duo met in 1969 was Agent J€™s father. It seems that the film had no writers, let alone two who it seemed were constantly endeavouring to make a good script.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.