2012 Films: 5 Awesome Blockbusters and 5 That Sucked

1. Ice Age 4: Continental Drift

Ice Age 4 Whereas the first part of the Ice Age series told a wholesome story as realistic as a film about a tiger, a sloth and a mammoth teaming up could be and its two sequels seemed happy being middling, child pleasing entries, this year's Continental Drift went from contrived to ridiculous and back again, via a gang of pirates for some reason. In an attempt to make the series closer to the Shrek reference-o-rama rather than the Pixar sentimentality, we have multiple scenes that look like Blue Sky Animation are trying to pull a Family Guy; a hyrax with Braveheart makeup; a vague copy of Gandalf€™s appearance at Helm€™s Deep from The Two Towers. But unlike Dreamworks' ogre, what Ice Age is doing are not pop culture jokes. It€™s not even visual gags in the style of Aardmann. It€™s just a reference to a scene in a much better movie. Mentioning a different movie in a movie is as funny as the €˜Who€™s There?€™ part of a Knock Knock joke. If there€™s no punch line, there€™s no joke. I sat in a screening full of young children and nary a laugh was heard. When your film€™s don€™t even come close to entertaining your (famously easy to please) target audience, you must be doing something terribly wrong. Ice Age 4 is a sorry excuse for a family film; a putrid, lazy entry in a series that used to have a lightness of touch. The audience is treated with no respect; Sid€™s Grandma is literally just dropped in for no reason and the adventures of Scrat and his acorn don't even elicit a smile. Sadly, the film made nearly $900,000,000 and thus it€™s likely we€™ll be seeing another confused mess soon.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.