2012 Films: 5 Awesome Blockbusters and 5 That Sucked

3. The Avengers

Avengers Anyone sceptical about Disney€™s recent acquisition of Lucasfilm and the green-lighting of Star Wars Episode VII need only look at The Avengers (or Marvel€™s Avengers Assemble here in the UK) to set your mind at ease. Disney took a series full of average films based around Marvel€™s lesser known heroes, threw in the right director and created pure fanboy gold. Joss Whedon€™s super hero team up is the antithesis to Nolan€™s Batman. Whereas Bruce Wayne was in a gritty, realistic Gotham, Whedon brings together a genius, a god, a frozen super soldier and a big green meanie without even questioning the ridiculousness. It€™s very tongue in cheek, never far from the next joke and is fun entertainment, although that€™s all it is; the film does admittedly suffer from a slow, eventful opening that weakens on rewatch. The Hulk proves to be the film€™s (and the team€™s) secret weapon. After two poor attempts to cash in on Marvel€™s angry scientist in the naughties, Whedon dispenses with all the inner turmoil of the character, instead letting the Hulk smash. The decision to get rid of the characters defining characteristic (don€™t make me angry) may have seemed like sacrilege, but instead gives the film its unique edge. It was the playful nature and reverence to the characters that made The Avengers such a hit; it is now the third highest grossing film of all time.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.