2012 Films: 5 Awesome Blockbusters and 5 That Sucked

2. Skyfall

Skyfall In three Bond films, Daniel Craig has covered more territory than any other actor to play 007. Casino Royale he took the series in a new direction, and Quantum of Solace was the bad entry; the film that no one likes (Moore has a few of those). But with Skyfall we see him go further than anyone dared go before, presenting Bond as a run down and unstable alcoholic for much of its run time. Sam Mendes' take on Ian Fleming€™s MI6 agent was a fresh direction to the series, bringing together the new gritty outlook with the classic Bond elements. This was accentuated by the overarching theme of the clash between old and new, showcased brilliantly in the introduction of Ben Whishaw€™s young Q; as with the villain€™s plot, moving into the modern day and away from the Cold War, presenting Bond with his less flamboyant gadgets. It is the final showdown - following the gut-dropping title explanation - where Skyfall really proved itself as a unique entry. An earlier film may have peaked with the London set piece, but instead we get possibly the most tense action sequence a Bond film has ever had (a big feat when you consider Mendes isn't a blockbuster filmmaker). It's given emotional heft because of the smaller scale; Bond isn€™t fighting to save the world, he€™s fighting for Bond.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.