22 Jump Street: 8 Funniest Meta Jokes

1. The End Credits

Almost every review of 22 Jump Street has had one common observation - the ending credits are absolutely glorious, and are possibly the most memorable part of the whole film - and that is no insult, either. With tongue very, very firmly in cheek, it explores various adventures that the Jump Street team go on next (while, of course, sticking rigidly to the formula of going undercover and infiltrating the drug dealers), including over 11 sequels set at Magic School, Culinary School and Medical School and even a video game and merchandise, while gleefully using every single sequel/franchise cliche it possibly can. For example, the random inclusion of an overtly sexual new female recruit; a "Jump Street: Generations" film with old cast members; Seth Rogen replacing Jonah Hill as Schmidt and nobody noticing except Channing Tatum; the villain of this sequel somehow being alive and returning for another and a Gravity-flavoured poster for "2121 Jump Street", as well as a spin-off animated series, lunchbox sets and a toy in which you can shoot off Mr. Walters' penis all over again in the comfort of your own home. It's a brilliant, hilarious sequence which may be worth the DVD price alone just to pause and read the ridiculous taglines. Like this article? Which jokes did we miss? Let us know in the comments section below.

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