22 Shots That Completely Ruined The Magic Of Star Wars

16. The Falcon's Severed Head

The Falcons Head Again this is a case of unwanted clarity, with the removal of the magic for even the most simple of scenes - the cockpit shots from the Millenium Falcon. Fans of the movie shouldn't want to see something so cold and functional - we want to see the thrills of a starry battle, not be treated to a debunking shot that confirms the Falcon wasn't even a full set at times. And even worse, the partial cockpit was somewhat inauspiciously propped up using whatever lay to hand, with the final, jarringly comical detail being Chewie's furry feet sticking out of the bottom of the set, giving the impression that he could have propelled the craft through space like Fred Flintstone.

15. Little At-Ats

At At As fans of films like Star Wars, there's a certain degree of suspension of disbelief that goes on, naturally, and there's also a level of commitment to the magic trick: we all know that the iconic At-At charge weren't staged for real, but that still doesn't mean that this sort of revelatory shot isn't catastrophic for the preservation of that magical conceit. It is undoubtedly interesting to see how the shot was achieved, but it's then hard to shake the image of the puppeteers looming over the At-Ats when the scene plays out for real in the film, once the trick has been unveiled.
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