23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

14. Death Leads To New Life - Premonition

Daft supernatural thriller Premonition revolves around Linda Hanson (Sandra Bullock) receiving the shocking news that her husband Jim (Julian McMahon) died in a car accident the day before. She wakes up the next day, however, to find Jim alive and well, and the sheriff who broke the news to her previously shows no recollection of ever meeting her. The next day Jim's funeral takes place, and despite the doubts that perhaps Linda simply isn't dealing with her grief very well, it soon becomes clear that she is living her week out of order, and when the actual day of Jim's death comes about, she might be able to save him. On the day in question, Jim takes the kids to school, and realising his death is imminent, Linda calls him, at which point the two reconcile following a shaky patch in their marriage. Linda asks him to pull over and turn around, in order to avoid dying on that very stretch of road. However, after stopping the car, he cannot start it again, and is promptly creamed by a truck, just as had been explained to her by the cop. A prologue sequence reveals that though Jim is dead, their intimate night together the day before caused Linda to fall pregnant, and in the final shot of the movie, she reveals her baby bump. Why It Sucks: Props to director Mennan Yapo for opting for such a dark ending, but it's a shame Jim had to die in such a stupid way: he can't start the car or open the door, which reeks of Final Destination-style silliness. Then there's the rather obvious fact that Linda was going to be the cause of her own husband's death, which is frankly more hilarious than dramatic, and the needless prologue, as though the arrival of a baby in a grief-stricken woman's life is really what she needs to get over it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.