23 Worst Movie Endings Since 2000

5. Tasteless 9/11 Plot Twist - Remember Me

Remember Me was an attempt by Robert Pattinson to prove mid-Twilight that he could actually act, as he and Emilie De Ravin played moody youngsters trying to deal with the problems in their lives. Pattinson plays Tyler, who struggles through daddy issues with his father Charles (Pierce Brosnan). He plans to meet his father in his office near the end of the movie, but he's running late, and it's at that point that we realise the disturbing truth: Charles' office is inside one of the Twin Towers, and the day is September 11th, 2001. Cut to various characters reaction to the towers falling, before we see a shot of Tyler's diary amid the rubble of the attacks, and the movie ends on an apparently melancholic yet poignant note about appreciating one's life and moving past pain. Why It Sucks: For starters, it makes a plot point out of a major tragedy, which is pretty sketchy at the best of times. Couldn't Tyler have just died in some random accident? Using 9/11 is clearly an attempt to prop up the movie's rather shaky story, and the shot of the diary in the rubble feels like an especially crass step too far. Should movies deal with what took place on 9/11? Absolutely, but to throw it in the middle of an already mopey drama isn't the way. At best, it's misguided, and at its worst, it's downright insulting.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.