23 X-Men Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed

17. Emma Frost Forgets Her Powers - X-Men: First Class


Despite the fact that she is woefully under-written, and at times appears to have been included simply to amp up the bikini and underwear scenes, Emma Frost is probably the most fearsome of Shaw's band of rogues in First Class. She's a telepath, can turn herself into diamond, and is super-strong, which she demonstrates colourfully by easily swatting Erik into the water when he comes to take down Shaw.

So why exactly is she so easy to catch when Erik and Xavier track her down in Russia? Instead of showing off her super-strength, she is easily pinned by the two men without so much as a few beads of sweat. And why does she stay in prison when she's already showed how easy it would be too escape? Is she really that awful at remembering her own powers?

She also definitely forgets that her neck is broken when she responds to the appearance of Magneto by going diamond hard at the end.


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