24 Confirmed New Disney Films (& 24 Rumoured) Coming 2020-27

22. PREDICTED - The Haunted Mansion

the haunted mansion disneyland

Release Date: 30th July, 2021

For a while there, it looked like Guillermo Del Toro might be set to make a Haunted Mansion movie (we don't talk about the Eddie Murphy one, because, well, it doesn't deserve mention), but it's now on the giant pile marked Del Toro Near Misses.

That doesn't mean it won't be made though. Disney have a long-standing interest in making movies out of their most famous theme park rides and with Jungle Cruise likely to do well (that's the power of The Rock), it's only a matter of time before Haunted Mansion comes back to life. According to Disney insiders, solid news might come of the project at this year's D23, which is very exciting.


21. PREDICTED - The Hunchback Of Notre-Dame

Hunchback Of Notre Dame

Release Date: 8th October, 2021

One of the most recently announced live-action remakes on the list, Disney announced earlier this year that a redo of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame was in the works, which will put a new spin on the story of Quasimodo.

Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz will return to pen the music, having done so for the animated version, while it's expected that Josh Gad (who is producing) will star as Quasimodo, although that's yet to be confirmed. It'll pull from the animation and Victor Hugo's novel, and take these remakes in a darker direction (which will hopefully be appreciated this time, unlike in the 90s).


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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.