24 Confirmed New Disney Films (& 24 Rumoured) Coming 2020-27

20. PREDICTED - Doctor Strange 2

Doctor Strange 2 Clea

Release Date: 5th November, 2021

Marvel don't make stand-alones these days without an eye on a franchise, so even before the news became semi-concrete, it was clear we were going to get another Doctor Strange movie.

The first movie set up the possibility loud and clear, with Chiwetel Ejiofor's Mordo embarking on a mission of Sorcerocide to rid the world of Doctor Strange and his fellow meddlesome mages. On top of that, more recent news suggests that we're going to see Brother Voodoo and Clea introduced to amp up the magical stakes even further.

If they follow the same formula as the original and given Scott Derrickson even more licence to be weird, we're in for a treat.


19. PREDICTED - Zootopia 3

 Zootopia Selfie

Release Date: 24th November, 2021

Look, it might be a little strange that we'd be getting two Zootopia movies a year apart, but Tiny Lister did say that they're working on making it a trilogy. And we also have the added evidence that Disney plan to unveil a Zootopia Land at Disney World, so pushing the brand as much as possible makes a lot of sense.

Again, there's more than enough in this world to inspire a whole franchise and more of this is in no way a bad thing. There's also a possibility we could be looking at another sequel, but it's surely unlikely Disney would be making another Zootopia and then not giving it a release slot until after 2027?


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WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.