24 Confirmed New Disney Films (& 24 Rumoured) Coming 2020-27


2. Star Wars 3

Db Weiss David Benioff Star Wars Game of Thrones

Release Date: 18th December, 2026

The final Star Wars movie currently on the slate, although there will absolutely be many more beyond them, this will either be the middle or final instalment in one of the two trilogies planned.

Again, let's work on the theory that Benioff and Weiss' is coming first in 2022, which would mean this is part two of their (rumoured) Old Republic trilogy, or the closing chapter. Either way, it should be pretty epic.



1. Avatar 5

Avatar 2009

Release Date: 17th December, 2027

If we get to this stage and Avatar 5 is genuinely released, James Cameron will be a very rich man and the makers of Fern Gully will have even more to be upset about.

If number 3 makes money, we'll see 4 and 5, which suggests that the films are being planned in story couplets. Who can even say at this stage what they'll do in the fifth version. If Fast & Furious is anything to go by, this will be the one where they introduce The Rock, though, so that's quite exciting. He'll be quite old by that point, but he's pretty much made from granite and the breath of the Gods, so he'll probably look exactly the same.

Honestly, who even knows?


Which of these Disney releases are you most excited to see? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.

We love teamwork! Who doesn't? This article is a collaborative effort between Simon Gallagher and James Hunt.
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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.