24 Confirmed New Disney Films (& 24 Rumoured) Coming 2020-27

44. Mulan

Mulan film
Walt Disney Studios

Release Date: 27th March, 2020

Upon Reflection, this is one of the most promising live-action remakes on Disney’s expansive slate. Mulan has always been a bit on the underrated side, so it’ll be good for it to be given another shot in the spotlight, while it’s also one that should (mostly) translate very well to a live-action setting.

The story will allow them to do something quite epic, Donnie Yen is brilliant casting as Commander Tung, and it brings some diversity to their slate of remakes. The big point of contention is whether or not there’ll be any songs - director Nikki Caro previously suggested there wouldn’t be, but reports have since countered that. Fingers crossed the music is in there, because it just won’t be right without I’ll Make A Man Out Of You


43. X-Men: The New Mutants

The New Mutants Teaser Photo
20th Century Fox

Release Date: 3rd April, 2020

The long, pained saga of the New Mutants will now end in April 2020, having been shifted around more times than cheap furniture. Amid suggestions that it's been massively reshot and was almost scrapped entirely, it's still an intriguing prospect because it represents a diversion from the norm of X-Men movies.

In honesty, it's a bit of a hangover for Disney to have to deal with, but it's also a totally free swing. If it loses money, it's already lost it. Anything on top of an absolutely abject failure is a bonus. So we just need them to actually market it and some people may even see it.


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NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.