24 Most Hotly Anticipated Movies Of 2014

4. Godzilla (May)

The Pitch... Giant radioactive lizard. You know the drill. Plus Points The cast, and the director, thankfully, has some form in handling this sort of movie, even if the budget is far vaster than was available on Monsters. The Reservations... We've been here before, and though this can't be anything like as bad as the Matthew Broderick-starring fishy mess that precedes it, monster movies have way more possible pitfalls than most other genres. If Gareth Edwards shows too much monster too early on, the biggest pitfall of all might sink the movie, and equally, if he sticks too rigidly to his less obviously blockbuster like tendencies, we might not see enough of the real star of the show.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.