24 Most Hotly Anticipated Movies Of 2014

3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (May)

The Pitch... Peter Parker returns, once more struggling to balance his life and school with his web slinging second life. Shady corporation OsCorp comes to the forefront, as Parker digs at the secrets of his past, and encounters new villains Electro and Rhino - and of course, eventually, Green Goblin. Plus Points It's another Marvel movie, and though the first was flawed (and some more cynical viewers might even say unnecessary) the casting decisions look very smart (or intriguing at least, in the case of Paul Giamatti's Rhino) and what we have of story detail looks enticing, if a little over-stuffed. The Reserations... Too many villains have already spoiled one Spider-man broth, and with at least three major villains (or four counting both Osborns) involved in this sequel, there's every chance that Marvel haven't learned from their past errors.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.