24 Hottest Stephen King Films Currently In Development

24. The Overlook Hotel

Release: ???? Status: Pre-Production? Prequels are hot news, especially with the success of Bates Motel and Hannibal and the inevitably good reception of Cobalt or whatever they're calling The Walking Dead spin-off, so this looks on-point. Prospects: King might not be entirely enamoured by The Shining (he changes his mind every couple of years), but he might have more faith in The Walking Dead's Glen Mazzara's writing skills (since he worked with frequent collaborator Frank Darabont). At last count, Mark Romanek was in the director's chair and the show would be based on King's jettisoned prologue for the original novel that recounted "a number of strange events from the Overlook Hotel's earlier history". The writer has already gone on record to say he's not all that impressed with the prospect:
"Am I eager to see happen? No I am not € I€™m not saying I would put a stop to the project ... I have a tendency to let people develop things. I€™m always curious to see what will happen. But you know what? I would be just as happy if it didn€™t happen."
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