24 Hottest Stephen King Films Currently In Development

1. The Dark Tower Trilogy

Release: TBC Status: Back on track The story of The Dark Tower's adaptation history is a twisting one: JJ Abrams was attached in 2007, but he passed and then in 2010 the plan became to make three films and an HBO TV series that would fill the gaps. That plan fell to pieces in 2013, but Sony have just confirmed that they are going ahead with the first film in the series as well as a tied-in TV series based on a reworked script by Akiva Goldsman ad Jeff Pinkner. Prospects: Similar to The Stand project, if the first film works and spawns a series that does justice to the source material, fans could be looking forward to a Lord Of The Rings style success. It's hard material to adapt, undoubtedly, and Sony are brave to try, but for fans a green light has to be classed as a good thing.
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