24 Predictions For This Oscar Season's Rotten Tomatoes Scores

2. The Program (63%)

Predicted Critical Consensus: "Ben Foster gives a stellar performance as Lance Armstrong, such that The Program is able to transcend the generic biopic formula it enthusiastically follows." Director Stephen Frears' filmography is wildly inconsistent reviews-wise, from the Oscar-winning highs of The Queen (97%) to the insanely forgettable Lay the Favourite (19%), so this one's a total crap shoot in honesty. Let's play it safe and go for somewhere in the middle: Foster is a hungry young actor who looks set to do strong justice to the controversial figure he's playing, so it's all down to whether Frears can make the most of John Hodge's script. As for Hodge? He was Oscar-nominated for writing Trainspotting, but he's also written duds like The Beach and 2012's The Sweeney reboot, so again, like Frears, inconsistent. Foster will probably be able to push it over the top even if the rest is relatively pat stuff, though viewers may find themselves wishing the terrific actor was better served by the material.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.