25 Comic Book Actors You Should Be Following On Twitter

2. Robert Downey, Jr.

Twitter Handle: @RobertDowneyJr Tony Stark AKA Iron Man himself, Robert Downey, Jr., is wonderful on Twitter. Although he's not exactly a prolific tweeter, everything he posts is gold in its own way. Whether it's a funny photograph, a humorous interaction with a fellow cast member, a behind-the-scenes shot from whatever he's doing at the time or the occasional heartfelt interaction with a fan, his tweets are great. https://twitter.com/RobertDowneyJr/status/604321211900796928 Come the time of any given movie with his Tony Stark character (next year's Captain America: Civil War, for example), you can expect red carpet shots, reactions to fan input and plenty of marketing from Downey, Jr. He's one of Twitter's real celebrity gems.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.