The creator of Facebook is an undeniable genius, though from its very first scene the movie does a fine job arguing that he's also an a**hole. The audience has sympathy for Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg) when the Winklevoss twins (Armie Hammer) attempt to drag him through the legal mud over their bruised egos, yet his seduction by Napster mogul Sean Parker (Justin Timberlake) and part in diluting Eduardo Saverin's (Andrew Garfield) shares makes him difficult to like as much as admire. His quick wit results in Zuckerberg intellectually destroying many of those who challenge him, though, at the same time, his blatant lack of social awareness makes him awkward and difficult to warm to, such that at the end of the movie, even one of his own legal counsel tells him that he's too blunt to be sympathetic to a jury. He built an empire and made something truly great for the world, but this movie version of Zuckerberg leaves plenty to be desired as far as personal merit goes. A credit to the human race, but also someone you probably wouldn't want to spend more than a few minutes talking to. A far cry from the suave, quick-witted heroes popularised throughout cinema, then.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.