25 Greatest Film Trailers From The 2000s

19. Red State (2011)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU0izmYp7xw I don't care for Kevin Smith or his films. Red State showed some promise though, and the idea of Smith going outside his comfort zone was interesting. He put together a great cast, and any movie that has John Goodman in it will be seen by me. This trailer is excellent. Michael Parks sings a creepy hymn while glimpses of horrible things flash on the screen. It's just short enough to it's job and not try to do much else. Sadly the film did try to do too much, and ended up being pretty horrible. Still, this trailer is the best thing Kevin Smith has done to date, and that's a backhanded compliment if there ever was one.

18. The Da Vinci Code (2006)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTDYy2QJgis I've yet to see this film, but from everything I've heard it isn't nearly as good as this trailer. We travel through caverns as a narration informs us that whatever we are looking at is so powerful that men have died to protect it. The camera weaves in and out of cracks and finally pulls out to reveal the familiar face of the Mona Lisa. I love the idea of this trailer, and it's pulled off very well. You don't need anything big, just something small and creative.
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Jeremy Sollie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.