The Ending: After finally performing the mind heist which convinces Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy) to dissolve his father's energy company, Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) returns home to the U.S., where he's greeted by his father-in-law (Michael Caine), who reunites him with his two young children. Cobb spins Mal's (Marion Cotillard) spinning top totem, but doesn't stick around to see if it topples or not, instead keen to play with his kids. The final shot closes in on the top as it appears to waver but doesn't fall over. Cut to black. Why It's Awesome: It's one of the most talked about endings of the century, with audiences divided on whether Cobb is still in a dream, or has in fact woken up. Though Christopher Nolan has refused to answer either way, he suggests it's more important that Cobb simply isn't looking at the totem anymore (which isn't his to begin with), but has decided to just accept the reality with which he's presented. It's an ending that's at once extremely thought-provoking and also a little frustrating too (in a good way), and Hans Zimmer's superb track "Time" being laid over the final moments made the tune instantly iconic.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.