25 Greatest Movie Endings Since 2000

1. Toy Story 3 (2010)

The Ending: As the toys prepare themselves to go into the attic, Woody (Tom Hanks) writes a note for Andy, and believing that his mother wrote it, he follows the advice on it, donating the toys to Sunnyside student Bonnie. Woody also hides himself in the same box, much to Andy's surprise, who after a little hesitation allows Bonnie to keep him also. Andy and Bonnie play together with the toys, and Andy then leaves to head to college. He looks back one last time, saying, "Thanks guys", and after he drives away, Woody says, "So long, partner" as Buzz (Tim Allen) embraces him and the camera pans to the sky, the clouds resembling Andy's iconic childhood wallpaper. Why It's Awesome: Who would have expected a movie about a young man and his toys to be capable of ripping out the hearts of audiences no matter their age? After getting to know Woody and co. over the last three movies, knowing that this would (probably) be goodbye was a tough pill to swallow, and Pixar milked that emotion for everything it was worth. The result is one of the most affecting movie endings of all time, a wonderful examination of the joy of playing with toys and, of course, growing up. It admits that everything must come to an end, but new beginnings must also be sought where possible. If you're a big fan of this series and Toy Story 3's brutal climax didn't make you cry, you may not be an actual human being. Although the news that Pixar are proceeding with an ill-advised Toy Story 4 surely will... Which movies endings since the year 2000 are your personal favourites? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.