25 Horror Films You Must Watch Before Halloween

13. Under The Skin

Jonathan Glazer's mesmerising sci-fi horror hands Scarlet Johansson her best role to date as an alien disguising herself as a beautiful human female in Scotland. She uses her sex appeal to lure hapless young men back to her lair, where she devours them for sustenance. What really distinguishes Under the Skin from similar movies like Species isn't just his deliberate, defiantly art-house style, but the fact that so few films about aliens depict life from the perspective of the alien. Glazer makes a convincing argument that so many of our daily rituals would be seen as ridiculous to an outsider, even as Johansson's character attempts to acclimate to them. Best Moment: For many, it's going to be the fact that Johansson is frequently nude throughout the film, though this is really just the icing on a challenging but ultimately very rewarding cake.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.