25 Most Hotly Anticipated Movies Of Summer 2017 - Ranked

16. It Comes At Night

It Comes At Night

Release Date: June 9th

Billed As: Trey Edward Shults' follow-up to the excellent Krisha, starring Joel Egerton as a man looking to protect his family from a mysterious unnatural threat, who is tested when another group of survivors turn up at their home looking for sanctuary. It looks destined to f*ck up a lot of heads.

Hype: Quite wonderfully, it looks like Shults hasn't gone the way of way too many indie directors given starrier projects and surrounded his voice to appease loftier pay-masters. His psychological horror looks intense, creepy and like the kind of material that buries itself deep into your brain.

It also looks to riff on The Walking Dead's idea that the people you survive with are sometimes as bad as what you're surviving from. And Shults' provocative voice should hopefully make for an affecting experience.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.