25 Most Hotly Anticipated Movies Of Summer 2017 - Ranked

9. Okja

Okja Tilda Swinton

Release Date: June 28th

Billed As: Bong Joon-ho's English language follow-up to the sublime Snowpiercer, taking aim at capitalism through the unique filter of a sort-of monster movie.

Hype: You can almost guarantee that Joon-ho wouldn't have even been interested in Okja if it wasn't a special brand of weird, and the little we know of the plot confirms as much. It sounds like a distant cousin of King Kong, as a nefarious corporation kidnap a giant creature (the titular Okja) and bring it to New York.

Snowpiercer deserved to be seen far more than it was, and hopefully, Okja landing on Netflix will mean more eyes get to it. Even without the lunatic story, the excellent supporting cast warrants some attention, with the likes of Tilda Swinton, Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano, Steven Yuen, Lily Collins, Shirley Henderson and Giancarlo Esposito all involved.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.