25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

8. Kaecilius

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

His ability to choose worthwhile assistants might be under some question (since his underlings are bumbling mooks), but Kaecilius is an incredibly powerful figure, capable of incredible magical ability and fearsome darkness.

He is imbued with almost the same level of inherent power as Strange himself, and he was certainly far more capable with his skills than the fledgling Sorceror Supreme to be. He's also a superior combatant with a frightening offensive magic prowess.

And of course he's also capable of using the magic he finds in The Ancient One's "forbidden" (but poorly guarded) books - something that is specifically mentioned as being reserved for only the most powerful mages. And it shouldn't be forgotten that it was his hand that killed The Ancient One - the most powerful sorceror in the multiverse.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.