25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

9. Thor

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

He might be the star of the worst MCU movie of all, but Thor is basically a God, and that counts for a lot in the MCU. Not quite as much as you might expect, since Asgardian doesn't really mean deity, but his power-set is incredibly impressive.

First there's his Asgardian super-strength, super-speed and super-durability (he seems to be mostly invulnerable), which are actually enough to resist strikes by the Aether - an Infinity Stone, remember. And then there's his ability to command the weather - not just thunder and lightning (the ability to conjure thunder alone is frankly rubbish), but also wind.

And of course he wields Mjolnir, the incredibly powerful war hammer with can also manipulate its environment and direct lightning bolts strong enough to take down giant Chitauri battle worms. He's a big deal.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.