25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

4. Doctor Strange

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

He might be something of a bumbling sorceror for most of his stand-alone movie, but Doctor Strange is definitely still one of the most powerful beings in the MCU multiverse. Even with a super-quick development period, he's able to command spells that should be reserved only for The Ancient One, can deflect other spells cast by the likes of Kaecilius and can astrally project and fight off seemingly much more capable magical enemies.

And then there's his ability to use the Eye Of Agamotto, an actual Infinity Stone, which grants him the ability to time travel, which basically means he's capable of manipulating existence itself to his will, should he so desire. That's arguably the most powerful magical skill of all since it allows the user to defy death.

He can also count on the considerable power of the Cloak Of Levitation, which recognised his power as being strong enough to make him a worthy wearer. And that cloak knows a thing or two.

And to think, he's not even in his final form yet.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.