25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

3. The Ancient One

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

There's an irrefutable rule in power dynamics that the master must always be either as powerful as or more powerful than the apprentice. See The Emperor, Yoda, Dumbledore, Mufasa... And also The Ancient One from Doctor Strange.

Not only does she hold the title of The Ancient One, but she's also the Sorceror Supreme up to her death, having leaved a near immortal existence until Kaecilius slays her. And she's worth both: she has ever power Mordo and Strange do, but thanks to her willingness to use dark magic, she's on another level entirely.

She has mastered time (and death for a long time), she can travel between dimensions, teleport and astrally project and her power is such that every potential supernatural threat in the multiverse is scared of her very presence. That alone says a lot.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.