25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

21. Captain America & Bucky

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

Who says durability isn't a hell of a power to have?

In terms of showy super-powers - like conjuring, energy manipulation or physical transformation, Cap is nothing to write home about. Sure, the Super Soldier Serum turned him from a skinny weakling to a ripped gym bunny, but he can't fire anything out of his body.

But then he's basically invulnerable: he's a superman limited only by an inability to fly (though he can jump out of planes without parachutes, which is impressive), with a healing factor, super-strength and speed and a heart the size of The Hulk.

Some might say his best power is his moral compass, but he's actually a bit grey in that area.

And Bucky - the object of his moral confusion - pretty much ranks on the exact same rung. Both are Super Soldiers with everything that comes with and both have almost indestructible augmentations (in Bucky's case his arm, in Cap's his shield) that help with their invulnerability.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.