25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

22. Thanos

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

So far, Thanos has been more of a representative power than an actual power. Sure, he's been presented as a big influence on others, but when you consider the acts so far committed in his name they don't amount to a great deal.

Sure, he will eventually get his hands on the Infinity Stones for his Gauntlet and will presumably become the most powerful figure in the entire Universe with a command over existence itself, but so far he's a bit bumbling.

He hired Loki to help find the Stones, but failed to see that one was in the sceptre he gave him to help, he had Ronan, The Other and Nebula under his command and two of them defied him and the other was killed by one of his fellow underlings. And while he floats around on an impressive chair, he hasn't done anything yet to suggest he's capable of the powers we know he will wield.

This ranking then is based mostly on reputation: he wouldn't be able to use the Chitauri if he wasn't powerful, he's a Titan and he has far reaching political power. Let's just hope he cements that symbolic power with something frightful soon.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.