25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

19. Iron Man

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

Cynics might call Iron Man no more than a glorified Swiss Army Knife, but that's no more than a reductive slur and you know it.

Taking Tony Stark himself, he's a genius (which counts as a super-power in Marvel's universe) and an unrivalled technological awareness that makes most challenges - engineering related mostly but on a huge spectrum - simple to him.

And then you add a shell that makes him super-strong, able to fly, pregnant with a massive, devastating armoury and Stark's inventive spirit (meaning the suits are either infinitely adaptable or replaceable with specifically suited upgrades like the Hulkbuster). Plus the ability to harness an arc reactor's power for energy blasts, which is nothing to be sniffed at either.

And why does he rank higher than a man who can literally breathe fire? Well, because he's the only person who has so far ever really beaten Hulk in a straight one-on-one fight, that's why.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.