25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

18. Heimdall

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

By virtue of being Asgardian, Heimdall is already superhumanly strong, has improved reflexes, stamina, speed, agility and durability, but he's right up at the top of the Asgardian ladder too. Only Thor and Odin can probably best him in combat.

As an indication of his power, Loki wonders why Odin does not fear him: and that suspicion probably has a lot to do with his other skills. He's a skilled swordsman, and wields a giant enchanted sword, but that's the least of his weapons.

He's also equipped with almost God-like senses, which is precisely why he's stationed as Asgard's gatekeeper and security guard, and which are able to transcend the limits of time. That sort of power might not manifest in battle well (though knowing what your enemy will do before they do is basically licence to invulnerability), but it's not to be under-estimated.

He's only really limited by the fact that he's basically unable to leave his post at all, which makes broad application of his powers mostly impossible.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.