25 Most Powerful Characters In MCU Movies (So Far)

17. Ultron

MCU Powerful
Marvel Studios

Imagine trying to fight the Internet: it's like trying to push water up a hill - no matter how many measures you put in place, it will fundamentally find a way, because that is its nature. That's the driving power behind Ultron's essence. He's capable of flowing freely through the Net into other host bodies, which makes him a slippery customer and gives him the untold power of knowing absolutely everything on Wikipedia and Reddit.

And then there's his shell. Made of Vibranium (after some upgrades), Ultron's robo-body is more powerful than all but Vision (he's not entirely invulnerable to Hulk, but then what is), it has similar powers to Iron Man (since it's fundamentally an upgraded Iron Legion drone), and it's powered by a genius intellect almost equal to Tony Stark's.

Plus, if snark counts as a power, he's basically the most powerful entity to have ever been.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.