25 Most Powerful Comic Book Movie Villains

8. Deadpool (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)

DeadpoolReynolds The actual depiction of Deadpool in this movie was a disgrace, but there's no doubting that he was extremely powerful. In Marvel's comics, Deadpool is the merc with a mouth €“ an anti-hero mercenary known for his second-to-none witty banter and light-hearted tomfoolery. His only superpower is the ability to heal (very much like Wolverine), while he sometimes has a device that enables him to teleport. He is a skilled combatant and marksman to boot. In the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie, he starts off as Wade Wilson, just like in the comics, and has a sharp tongue just like we expected, but then everything changes. Wade is used in an experiment to turn him in to a mutant killer €“ being granted the powers of several other mutants, and none of their weaknesses, in order to achieve this aim. He can heal just like Wolverine, can teleport to wherever he pleases in the blink of an eye, has swords that come out of his hands in the same way that Wolverine's claws do and possesses powerful, destructive optic blasts like Cyclops. He was a skilled combatant, very hard to kill and possessed very formidable offensive power, making him a very powerful Frankenstein of sorts.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.