25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Indiana Jones

18. Indy's Surname Was Originally Smith

When Lucas first convinced Spielberg to take on Raiders Of The Lost Ark, the director told him that the surname Smith was not right for the character, leading to the immediate (but not exactly imaginative) change to Jones.

17. The Fake Sieg Heil - The Last Crusade

During the Nazi rally in the third movie - which featured real WWII Nazi uniforms, found by costume designer Anthony Powell in Germany - Steven Spielberg counter-acted the fact that he had to ask extras to perform a "Sieg Heil" salute by getting them all to put their other arm behind their backs with their fingers crossed.

16. Harrison Ford Almost Got Blown Up - Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

During filming of the scene in which Indiana drives a truck through a wall, the stunt team used timed explosives to make the sequence look more impressive, but they almost cost Paramount their lead actor when one of the explosives failed to explode and landed on the passenger seat beside Harrison Ford.

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