25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Indiana Jones

9. Frank Darabont Almost Wrote Indiana Jones IV

Original Walking Dead lead and Shawshank Redemption director Frank Darabont, was hired back in May 2002 to write the fourth Indiana Jones script, which he titled Indiana Jones and the City of Gods. His version was based on an idea conceived by Spielberg of ex-Nazis pursuing Jones in the '50s, and Darabont stated that Spielberg loved the script, but that Lucas turned it down in favour of writing himself.

8. India And China Both Denied Filming Access For Temple Of Doom

Both India and China turned down Paramount's request to film parts of Temple Of Doom, forcing production changes. When China turned down permission, Lucas was forced to drop the opening chase scene that was to be set on the Great Wall of China, but India's objection simply meant the production moved elsewhere. Indian authorities found the script racist and insisted on changes and final cut privilege, which they were not granted inevitably, with Lucas choosing instead to film using sets and in Sri Lanka. Somewhat inevitably, the film caused controversy and it was banned in India for its depiction of Hindus, and continues to attract accusations of racism.

7. The Barbra Streisand Prank - The Temple Of Doom

During filming of the prequel, Steven Spielberg invited Carrie Fisher and Barbra Streisand onto the set to play a prank on Harrison Ford who was chained to a stone waiting to be whipped. Instead of the Thugee guard who the script called for, Streisand appeared in full dominatrix mode to punish him for his terrible films: for Force Ten From Navarone, and Hannover Street and "for all the money you€™re going to make on Return of the Jedi!" The footage of the moment is preserved for eternity here - though it is horribly grainy.

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