25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Indiana Jones

6. Spielberg Also Hated Temple Of Doom

Steven Spielberg admitted in 1989 that he wasn't impressed with Temple of Doom "at all. It was too dark, too subterranean, and much too horrific. I thought it out-poltered Poltergeist. There's not an ounce of my own personal feeling in Temple of Doom." He subsequently admitted that the film was his least favourite of the trilogy, and suggested the only good thing to come out of it was his meeting Kate Capshaw - who also denounced her own role in the film as "not much more than a dumb screaming blonde." The reason Spielberg dislikes the film is perhaps thanks to its origin: Spielberg and Lucas have said that the darker tone was built on their personal moods following the breakups of their relationships with Amy Irving and Marcia Lucas respectively.

5. Crystal Skull Came With Strict Security Measures

Likely aware that the age of the internet would make their attempts to keep any of Crystal Skull's details quiet (or of how bad their film actually was) Lucas and Spielberg made sure that security during filming was incredibly tight including giving cast members false names. Harrison Ford was called '#', Cate Blanchett was 'Mean Girl' and Karen Allen was given the title 'The Damsel' in the daily call sheets. Additionally, the film was also delivered to cinemas with a combination lock, whose code wasn't divulged until the day of the first screening.

4. The Star Wars Cameos - Raiders Of The Lost Ark

The Indiana Jones films are all stuffed with references to Star Wars, from Indy uttering "I have a bad feeling about this" through to the plane at the start of Raiders bearing the registration OB-CPO and most famously in the cameos by C3PO and R2D2 whose images are etched among the hieroglyphics in the Well Of Souls and Club Obi-Wan in Temple Of Doom. Additionally the scene in which Indy threatens to blow up the Ark Of The Covenant was filmed in the same Tunisian canyon as that which frames Obi-Wan Kenobi's first appearance in Episode IV.

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