25 Things You Didn't Know About Bram Stoker's Dracula

14. Sadie Frost Made A Child Cry

Bram Stoker's Dracula
Columbia Pictures

While filming one of the most iconic sequences from the novel, Lucy Westernra, now a "willing disciple" of Dracula, returns to her crypt, cradling a child in her arms. It's a creepy scene and gives us a good look at the vampire in all her moonlit beauty, moments before Van Helsing implores Arthur Hollywood to drive a stake through her heart.

If all that sounds a bit much, think how the poor kid felt - Sadie Frost's make-up and performance were enough to induce a river of tears from the little girl, who had to be soothed by both Coppola and Frost - let's hope she took her fangs out first.


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...