25 WTF Moments From Batman Forever

2. Batman Kills Two-Face... With Coins

Batman Forever Two Face Death
Warner Bros.

People love to complain nowadays about Bane's abrupt death in The Dark Knight Rises, but he's got nothing on the hilariously terrible demise of Two-Face in Batman Forever. Two-Face flips his trusty coin to decide whether or not to kill Bats, Robin and Chase, but as he does so, Batman throws a bunch of other coins at him, causing Two-Face to get confused, lose track of his true coin, and fall to his death as he fumbles around and loses balance. It's easily the dumbest death of a major villain in any Batman movie, and more to the point, has Batman unashamedly causing someone's death despite the well-known no-kill policy the character has. Batman may not have shot him in head or thrown him off a cliff, but he damn sure brought about the circumstances which caused Two-Face's death. With respect though, this is also a basic aspect of the character that even Christopher Nolan's movies have failed to respect, with him causing the deaths of both Ra's al Ghul and Two-Face in the Dark Knight trilogy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.